Sep 24, 2009

Everyone has an opinion. My view of blogs.

Who really has something to say? Everyone has opinions. Of course. Only a lobotomized individual is totally bereft of any ideas, and there is evidence that they still have thought. But the part of the brain that makes anything of these ideas is now gone, along with each and every part of their personality. Maybe they could make for the best thinkers because their individualistic thought processes do not affect them. They would be much like the pre-cogs in Philip K. Dick’s short story “The Minority Report”. These individuals only gave the information that came to them. It was totally unaltered by their personal preferences. But is this best? It worked well for them because they were provided all that they needed while some one of their caliper would usually have been left to die because they could not care for themselves, and those that used their information were considered heroes in their community. But in our world those that are usually listened to are those that are highly educated and have taken the time to try to bestow information on those around them along with the world that they live in.

Opinions are everywhere. Just pickup a news paper and you will find a whole section of opinion and advice. Blogs have become a popular way of expression. One does not need any form of education. One simply needs access to a computer and the internet. I once read of an individual believing that blogs were the gradual destruction of the Rome that is professional journalism. Each informed and articulate blogger is much like the terroristic faction who eventually caused the demise of that great city. They do not need to have spent the time and money on a journalism degree or strive hard for a job, but they are also rarely paid for their insight unlike the professional journalist. They are really only doing it to vent. So does that make it a waste of time?

Maybe it is. These people devote hours out of their lives just to put into a public forum how and what they feel. So many opinions and dissenters are like looking into a world of “Special Olympic Athletes”. There are not always nearly as informed as one should be if they are going to allow the public to be let into their thoughts. They may have not learned the ethics that go into telling certain details of certain stories; but that could be argued away vey easily by pointing out news shows such as “Inside Edition” that is known for going out of its way to dig up the worst of the worst of the world’s best know people. Maybe the days of keeping certain topics out of the view of the public are gone. Even Voltaire spoke of not defaming some one’s name until they have been proven guilty. The days of “innocent until the proof of guilt” seem to be totally gone because of news media like these. But the ability to blog opens up the voice of those who are accused. They are able to put their thoughts into print, and those close to them can speak of how they feel. Just because one is charged with doing something does not mean that they did it. Charges are only there so that there is potential of prosecution. We can only hope that if they are innocent they will be found to be so. Blogging allows this innocent voice to come out, or at least the voice of the side fighting to keep their non-defamed name. With the old news media the public only hears the voice of the legal system. How often have you watched the news and only heard of charges and arrests without even hearing what the arrested individual had to say? Usually if we see a news story like that we automatically see them as guilty even if they may not be.

This can have huge psychological damage. I am sure we all read about the group of black college students that were arrested on charges of group rape. The ‘victim’ seemed to felt dirty for what she did or later regretted it for whatever other reason and then went to the police. These men were arrested and held for a lengthy time. Interviewed after they got out, one said that he knew he was innocent but being held in jail and constantly being told he was guilty started to wear on him and he even stated to believe that he may have been guilty of his charges.

It was not until a detective told the ‘victim’ that there might be a video tape of the incident did she recant. This is a perfect case of the real victim being those in the correctional system unjustly. When this story broke many were up in arms and a veritable lynch mob was unleashed mostly because the woman was white and the ‘rapists’ were black. Pictures came out in the papers and these men where guilty just because of racist views and the ideal that” No woman would lie about being raped”; and “No woman would ever wish to go through that kind of ridicule.” If only this were true.

Many women have come to learn that they become "heroic survivors" when theycome forward about this crime and restitution is now paid to rape victims. These women also know that the one who raped them will forever suffer with a grave stigma and a heinous record that not only the legal system looks down upon strongly, but so does the populace once they may get to be released. (Lest we forget that they will be sex offenders and will have to tell everyone in their neighborhoods what they were found guilty of.) Blogs are what allowed the true victims of this horrible crime to have a voice. So maybe blogs are good. We need to be able to let all of our voices be heard even if we do not have a large amount of education and get paid to put out voices on the internet. Maybe those elements really have become secondary when it comes to the real search for truth.

Sep 22, 2009

Pornography. And this time I'm not talking about the album by The Cure.

Porn. Yes porn. We have all watched it. Maybe you were perturbed by it or maybe you enjoyed it. Whatever the reaction was, we did watch it and there is a lot of it. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but one still cannot go online without having to maneuver around it. I remember being in a school library and going to a web site that was in the banner bar of my browser ( thinking I was going to take me to a recording artist’s web page. Although I had never heard a song by this artist (not sung by a classmate), I was curious about what all the hype surrounding this guy was and I clicked the page. Before I had a clue what I was seeing, my browser and at least five new ones popped up with a barrage of pornographic film and images.

The teacher of this course pulled up a chair next to me and called me a pervert. He didn’t know how to get rid of all the open windows any better than I (without making more pop up) so he put me at another computer and had the lab assistant come and fix what I had done.
I was not even trying to find it. It found me. But this should not be about the clutter on the internet… NEAH. That is not the direction we need to be taking because there are so many people who have already opened discussions about this topic and progress has been made in that direction. What we need to realize, is the need and reason behind these images.

Foucault wrote and lectured that sexuality is the ultimate expression of the self. But I do not see how watching others engaging in types of sex, which are truly craved by these watching individuals, truly alleviate this longing. As a point of conjecture I feel that it would actually make the longing for this thing (which one is not, in reality, getting experienced) much stronger in these individuals. One could say that they are getting to experience it vicariously, but vicarious experiences only work well some times.

Someone may wish to be a soldier but does not have it in them to see real carnage or want to risk their own lives so they watch a war based movie. Another may want to be a famous singer but gets horrible stage fright so they are a manager. Another one is of a non-athletic person, but they have a child who is athletic, and supports that child's drive at their own athleticism. But I do not feel that this works when it comes to sex.

I see that sex is too primal of a drive and too ingrained into who the person is to be able to get adequate amounts of satisfaction from only seeing others engaging in desired sexual interactions. Wouldn’t this just make someone want to strive harder to experiences these pleasures that they are not really taking part in? This can also be dangerous.

We all read in shock and horror about the man who went into a gym and shot it up because he was unable to hook up with a young woman to fulfill his sexual desires. Could watching young woman have all the kinds of sex, in pornography, assisted in his decisions to do what he did…? He was known to have read books about being a middle aged man getting women much younger to be with them. But he did not find success as that writer claimed to have.

This could bring up the argument that seeing sexually explicit material can help one not fear sexual interactions and limit inhibitions. Without proper sex education this could easily result in sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies. Of course there are legal constraints to the viewing of pornographic images but anyone knows that a simple click of a mouse will allow even a young child to witness these images without limit. And with the age of sexual experimentation continually getting younger and younger; many will contest that this is due to pornographic movies being easier to come into contact with than ever before. But I will state the even lower level parental guidance movies have more and more sexual interactions in them than used to be found.

Europe has always been known for very sexually explicit movies thought out the history of cinema and the age of sexual experimentation in rather low compared to the United States but youth pregnancy is not the problem it is in the United Stated because of strong sex education programs and openness through ground breaking writings by amazing thinkers like Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex.

I believe it really comes down to the individual. If they can know that porn is simply fantasy and not real they can be okay to view it. But it is alarming to see how few people really realize that it is no more real than an action movie where super heroes are flying and doing extra-human feats. That is what happens in porn; few guys are endowed like that and most women do not have figures with that amount of curve after college. Maybe a disclaimer is needed not only to say that everyone in the movie is 18 but also that this is a work of fantasy and should be viewed by the world only as a simple work of fiction.

Sep 20, 2009

The Dr. David Stagg mess. Based on the evidence... How did it come to this?

This is a must read for every 1 interested in justice. Current mood: angsty Category: News and Politics
Here is the article itself. Please check it out. I knew the man professionally. This is the un-just justice system @ work. Please take time to read this. You will see why the evidence was not used to find truth, but to create the story law enforcement wanted.


Time. Time for time?
I think not.
Time is fleeting. Time is gone.
Before time, could it be lost? Why was it found? Why was it formed?
Was not the eb and flow of Sun and Moon's changing of the guard not enough?
Now, Give me a clock.
Time? Time? TIME!?
When can I find the time?

Please, let me loose time with out loosing life.
An Hour lost is an Hour never concieved.
An Hour never concieved is an Hour not worth living.
An Hour not worth living is a death before time has had the time to run out of time.

Swine Flu and how it can be worked on.

This is the newest epidemic. It is killing and causing irreputable damage to its victims. Those it affects will never be the same again and those that are most affected are the poor, the minorities, and those who are just different and stand out. But this is a preventable disease!

The down turned ecomony has much to do with what has come. The lack of $ in many areas has helped in the increase of this Swine Flu. The economic crunch has affected every one, not-with-standing, law enforcement. No money can be lost at any cost, convictions are a must at any cost; even if this means changing evidence and making false arrests. As long as the conviction is found nothing else matters. This has become a greater problem because the monthly quotas became weekly quotas that are much tougher to meet.

Of course, this becomes even more detramental when Swine Flu kills. This is greatly preventable, just as much as any disease that can be avoided, especially when so many non-lethal practices exist. (This of course could bring up the questions of whether being killed or permanently maimed is the better way to go.) But when it does take a victim what should be done? (Sean Bell any one?) What should happen to those who kill but have been used to immunity?

This immunity should be taken away from them. These purpetraitors should be treated like any one else who has had to take the same actions. If one has a carry and conceal permit, and is forced to use the gun that they carry in self defence, the police still arrive and this person is taken to the local jail. There they are questioned and usually held till an investigation takes place. This should also be true of those speading Swine Flu. They should be held in the general population of the jail untill an investigation has taken place and every one (who can be) has been thoughly investigated.

It does not take some one with an imagination to know what happends to a police officer when they go to jail. But knowing this is where they will go should make them think before inflicting another fatal infection of Swine Flu.

Sample Chapter of my Novel.

Sample Chapter of R.D. Mize Rd. (Our Demize Road) Current mood: anxious Category: Writing and Poetry

Life went on day after day. The Hospital still seeming to glow in the distance, Ken took his time today. He knew he needn’t hurry. He was on breeder duty today. All he needed to do was just spend as much time as he could trying to impregnate the lady he was honored to be with this week. And this week it was an honor.

He had never seen this girl before. He met with the council and found out he was granted breeder duty this week. He had no qualms with it being a week early especially when he saw her. She was blond; small framed with huge blue eyes, a slim waist, and carried herself well. He knew it was not fully her choice to be a part of the breeder plans but it seemed to him that it was a stipulation for her to join the camp to be a part of this institution. Ken though “Things must have been really tough where she had come from to agree to this.”

Back before the war he would not have been ok with this. But as times got harder and harder and pleasures fewer and farther between he knew he had to make use of what he had when he could have the chance. He was never one to have a lot of money before things took the turn. He worked hard each and every day but it was rare for him to have any left over after his basic bills were taken care of. If he was lucky he bought a record or a novel with what he had at the end of the month. But this usually only happened once a season or so.

When it came to the ladies he was a big and strong guy at a height of 6’4” and 286 lbs. He got some attention from the ladies but was just too shy and ashamed of his meager earnings to really try to be with any one seriously. He usually just went out with a group of people that happened to have a few ladies along and would live vicariously through the guys who had girl friends.

After the wars came and all that seemed left was this area he had the community in and the Our Demize Rd’s hospital. Because he was big and strong he became a high member of the society. Most of the other survivors were short, old, and unable to care for the needs of others because of their stature. This was where Ken learned that he could shine. He carried what he could for those in need and pulled more than his weight when it was time to haul crops or timber for what they could use for housing. Of course all these attributes from social beneficence to physical strength to strong health made him the best breeding stock from the society. This is why he got to have Nykki this week. The council felt that if a beautiful new comer and Ken could breed the next generation humanity may still have a chance. They would have looks, know-how, physical strength and aptitude, and the respect of the others in the camp.

Ken did not really like being the ‘top stud’ as some of his friends liked to call him. But he did enjoy the attention and the time he got to spend with the ladies assigned to him. He tried not to get too attached to those he was with but this one seemed different. She did not seem to mind her time with him but she still had self confidence and pride. Ken could tell she was not doing it out of pure submission to social duty but knew it had a great deal to do with her intelligence and knowing that this was the way to survive in the current situation. This was just one more sacrifice for the group as a whole.

Nykki had hardly said anything to him during their time together. But Ken could tell she was observing him ad watching his every move. He was not sure if he liked being watched so much but felt sure he was in no real danger. Danger had been his experiences after all hell broke loose and he found himself in situations like he had only though of in night mares just like every one else had.

He got up and went to put more wood on the fire. It was not really very cold in his dwelling but he did not want to have to deal with the fire when night fall did its descent and the winds carried off the heat. Then he heard her laughing.

Was she out of her mind? This was the kind of hysterical laughter he had only heard from the likes of Mrs. Rowen when she had lost everything from her house to her family and finally cracked under all of the pressure. Do to the lack of professional care and the burden she was placing on the society she was killed and her body taken to the hospital. They had taken the time to see if she would get better or could be put to any use but as time went on she continued to be nothing more than a blithering idiot that would do nothing but make noise and attract dangerous animals. Plus she was ugly as sin and refused to stay clothed even in the most extreme chill of weather. Her burdening was too great for the hard times that had come about so extreme needs of the many damned the one.

Ken did not like thinking back on those times. The memory filled him with the dread that filled him, and every one he knew, from those memories of times when each felt that all was lost and life could and/or should not go on any longer. But listening to the wail of laughter that came from his bed-mate made him freeze a moment in fear. Then it became infectious and he smiled and brought her some chamomile tea from the tea pot over the fire and asked her what the humor was brought on by.

“The situation reminded me of better times,” Nykki stated. “I have spent my time as a thinker and creator of art and just seeing you unclothed walking to the wood pile reminded me of a painting I did years ago. It did not sell for very much but it was one of my favorite paintings I ever did. Although you are much larger than the model I used the proportions are the same.”

“So you were a painter?”

“I did a lot more than that… But that was one of the many things that I did do. I first got into it to relieve stress when others found that I had a talent for it. Maybe one day society will return to what it once seemed to be and I can spend my time in near dreams and arts again.”

“I think I like how my life has turned around” Ken gently stated. He could tell, from being around any one who was happy before all of what came to pass, that few came out of it better than before like he did. He never wanted to seem boastful but he knew if the nuclear wars had not happened he would still be miserable and pretty sure he would have been a suicide victim by this point. “I was no high member of society. I was a common worker with nothing else going on but the miserable, dead-end job that I could not get out of. Days went by and the only thing that changed was how I looked in the mirror. Though many people lost greatly I have feel that I would have never been anything without what happened.”

“You lucked out. While it has given you status and power most have lost. I feel much like a prostitute, if not an enthralled by the self-loathing for being prostituted. I did volunteer, but to get what I needed to be allowed into a group that is pretty self sustaining I did have to give up my body to a man.”

Ken fell silent when he thought about what she had just said. He wanted to respond but there were no words for him to use in a situation like that. In the past he would have never agreed to what he was doing. Or would he? As he though he saw that he was taking advantage of a situation but his needs and pleasures meant too much to him. He’d never gotten to enjoy them before now and he did not want to go back to his days of misery.

Vector Marketing's Lack of Ethics.

To whom it may concern (Vector Marketing in Independence);
I type this letter to you heavy of heart and in a state of desire to alleviate my agitations. I do not know if you are familiar with the works of Immanuel Kant; but being a college student should have given you a plethora of information concerning his writings and ideas surrounding Ethics. Please read Pages 209-215 of Eastman’s Coming of Age of Philosophy. This is an essay that comes from his Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals entitled “The Good Will”.

Do not read further until the reading is completed.

As you have read the dedication to duty only goes as far as the preservation of life is concerned. Once life is endangered duty changes from vocation, unless the vocation is the preservation of life, into being the preservation of life and/or comfort especially in regards to loved ones.

When my wife was at home bleeding to an extent I have only seen in film one could only hope that any vocation would only care for the welfare of its employees and those of the closest kind to these people. Instead you only cared about the numbers who were at your training seminar. This seems very counter to any employer that says that it prides itself in and on ethics.

My wife really needed to go back to the hospital while I was at the training. Just before I left her she had lost sooo much blood that she was unable to stand. I actually had to catch her from falling merely a few minutes before I called you to ask to reschedule my training.

The whole time I was at training all I could think is that no job on earth would mean anything to me if my wife bleeds to death while I am away from her. The whole time I found my heart beating harder and faster than at any other point in my life. Then, when I shot her a message and a reply did not come I found myself infuriated with you. How could you expect me to leave some one during a health crisis? The only thing I could see was how I had failed in my dedication to duty. I was sure I’d find my wife dead, for when I left her she was not even able to hold her own body temperature because of blood loss. I also found out, upon return, that she had been loosing blood at a rate that warranted her return to the emergency room and that while I was gone she passed a dead child without ANY one there for moral support. Can you imagine having something you had carried, and wanted nothing more than to be the caregiver for; leave your body dead with out any one to comfort you in any way? Please consider what you request of people.
Tim Pafford

Convergence of minds.

Convergence of the minds does little when the power of those minds together does not equal the level of only one or two minds, in separate locations, running at full capacity.

To Serve and Protect.

To serve and protect. That is the job of law enforcement. It is on their badges and they swear to this when they take the job. Before the court of law and every one in attendance they say that they will serve and protect. But how is this the case when they inflict harm onto a citizen?
When one is unconscious and the authorities have been called in for assistance to help the unconscious person they should not handcuff him. How is this ethical or sane to restrain some one who is unconscious? Then proceed to hit him and abuse him in “attempts to awaken him??” Slamming some one who is unconscious against the floor while they are in handcuffs should be the last thing that is done to them. If the ‘authority’ who is there to serve and protect if further inflicting harm onto some one who is of no threat and can not resist or defend themselves they are not doing what they are called to do.

This gross act of misconduct was inflicted upon me several years ago by the Warrensburg police department. If you have been reading my blogs regularly you read “Isn't it strange how some 1 you know can have such a great impact on you....?” I stated in that blog that there was more to that story. Well here it is.

My wife found me on the floor. I was hardly breathing and lying in a pool of my own vomit. She tried to roust me and when she could not she tried to carry me. When she was unable to do either one of these things she called 9-11 for assistance. They told her to leave. She believed that dispatch knew what they were doing and her being outside could help to signal the emergency vehicles.

Once they arrived the police went in to our apartment and did not allow her to come in. A long time later they called in an ambulance and then assisted me to medical assistance. Even after my arrival to the emergency room she was not allowed to see me until she threatened to barge into where I was with or with out their permission.

If you are near Warrensburg and in need of assistance please keep this story forever in mind.

Sep 18, 2009

Solipsism and small essay

Alive in my solipsism

Around in my solipsism

Awake in my solipsism

Dead in my solipsism.

This is where I find myself. I have not found what I was looking for in myself at all. But what I was looking for could not be found totally in and of myself. What I needed was some little bit of exterior influence.

The works of Sartre and Heidegger helped greatly but then Rousseau was needed too. He was much less scientific and simply aesthetic and epicurean. He was what my heart felt. He was the lover of the base and carnal with ethical limitations. The existentialists simply viewed morals as being abject and at the vantage of the observer. While Rousseau saw the world from his own eyes, he always went out of himself to attempt to understand the others around him. He was always trying to help the underprivileged such as in his The Social Contract.

Which is a better means to an ends? Is being totally in yourself where one needs to be??? Or does one need think of those around them with the highest of degrees? I will have to agree with Hegel on this point, that one can never fully know the other person because the conscious is only in that outside person. One can not penetrate the soul of any one but him/herself. One must always view the world from their own eyes but always understand that obstructions from others will always occur. Hell really can be other people.

Modern Ethics

I have been stuggling of late to try to figure out what companies have been meaning when they talk about Ethics. If you read my blogs regularly you see some of the writings that I have been doing on the subject.

I have come up with the modern definition:

Ethics is a buzz word that solely means a legal bottom line. What they do to the people that work for them is of no concequence as long as the company does not do anything "illegal".

I'd love to know if you feel the same way or if you think this defination needs to be tweaked.

Simone de Beauvoir & me.

Of late I have been reading the works of Simone de Beauvoir and can not help but almost feel as if I am in love. To give you a little bit of her back ground, if you are unfamiliar with her, she was the woman that spent much of her life being Jean-Paul Sartre's main love. Each of them had many lovers other than each other but found that they spent most of their time and works with each other. They would have been married but Sartre belived that that was much too bourgeois and they never did.

I have been reading one volume of her autobiography entitled Force of Circumstance II. In it she speaks out against the country around her. They are engaged in a war with Algeria and the French army is torturing, raping, and slaughtering people of a poor and underindustrialized nation. She speaks out very venhemently against these atrocities and is found to be Un-French by her fellow countrymen. She goes as far as to denounce her home counrty and leaves it all the while doing her journalism for her and Sartre's paper fueled with articles about the horrors taking place in the hands of the French military.

I could not help feeling just what she is writing about in connection with the current war in Iraq. Our soldiers are doing just what we were told we would be liberating the Iraqi people from. We are only liberating them from their lives; if they are lucky. And one should know that I feel that life in the only thing that should never be sacrificed. It only comes about one time and living it is everything that you ever do.

Simone also speaks of an account she had with her brother-in-law who was trying the rationalize what was being done durring this war. He tried to say that the torture was only in issolated instances and that the military was only acting in ways that it needs to to combat a savage land and equally savage people. I heard these same things told to me durring my political ravings of administrations past and wars current. When she descibes what she was feeling physically durring, and right after, those conversations with her brother-in-law I could not help but know in absolute detail exactly what she was feeling.

I would suggest her writings to any one with any sort of leftist inclinations, even a slight acknowlegment of woman's equal rights, enjoys great women writers, or is one who takes interest in existentialistc philosophy and its application to real life situations. She is an amazing writer and to know that she wrote these works long before it was en vouge to do so by a woman makes these writings that much more powerful and impressive.

Where have all the readers gone? Long time passing...

I should preface this with I can not believe the complacency at which people no longer read anything any more. If it isn't just a short snippet on wikipedia no one wants to take the time to know it. I really feel that this is b/c of the current school systems. From elementary school to universities a simple overview is all that is gone into. To go in depth just takes too much time. But to go and see a 2 1/2 hour marithon love story @ the movies is almost a socialistic duty. How sad.

Just a small intro.

I am interested in getting ideas out of my mind, through my fingers, and onto a forum that people can come to, enjoy, and give their views.