Nov 30, 2009

Cannabis Sativa: Over Criminalization

I wish to start off by saying that I feel the use of marijuana is not only a huge waste of time and money, but also aids to keep people from every reaching their personal goals in life by making them lazy and fat from over eating and sloth due to the effects of the chemicals in its consumption. But, the laws that are in affect to guard against its use are far too harsh. Even if one is to say the laws are in place to help save people from the above ill effects, the ill effects brought on by the current criminalization of an individual who wishes to use this plant to get high are much greater than any harm the use of the plant would do to them. Studies have shown that the use of pot does decrease the ability for people to learn and has shown an increase in depression within long term use. But studies have never shown of people becoming violent or severely dangerous because of marijuana use.

Did you know if one is pulled over, for any reason, and even a very small amount of marijuana is found, that that person has their car impounded? They take away their vehicle just for any form of ownership of a naturally growing flower. They say it is to keep people from trafficking the drugs, but it is very rare that the person found with marijuana has enough to be considered “intent to sell”. Even if we want to keep the laws as is to limit drug trafficking, can we at least keep the impoundment limited to cases where there is enough of the drug to be considered “intent to sell or distribute”? We have seen this very thing abused of late.

Police are under investigation in Liberty, MO for allegedly planting drugs into high end SUVs so that they could buy them later at police auctions for a fraction of their book value. Let us hope this is not the case, but I have heard on numerous occasions of people going through Liberty and being stopped for reasons that they saw had no foundation and being ticketed on suspicious grounds when it was their word against a police officer’s and they could not fight the penalty handed to them. If the police are truly innocent let it come to light. But if they are guilty, I hope they see severe punishment for such a sick and twisted crime; one where people are put into cages and lose their vehicle and freedom due to one who is working within the law’s greed and covetousness of another’s property. Accountability needs to exist in all forms if law and order is to exist.

Nov 18, 2009

Fear and Death

Faces lit up with desire. It was the night of nights and everyone was there. Only one more hour. One more to know. One more to see. One more to be. But wait.

It had already happened then! Then had been and came to stay. The feeling was one that never went away. It sat inside their souls and ate away like a cannibal at the fire side of their destruction.

First to go were those with forward thoughts and desires. Those that saw what was there and were open about it and to it.

Next were those who did not believe in the cannibal teachings of long ago. They were taken the farthest away. Their cages and chains made just for them. (They were feared the most.)

Then those who say no reason to kill just because they were told to do so. They had no passion for the act and could not be convinced. They were forced and put onto the front of battle.

Then the scared and frail ruled the earth because they took everyone else away. Till disease took them away as well, to leave the earth to the animals that they so long denied.

Nov 16, 2009

Drunk Death to Tax Dollars

Taxes were increased and budgets moved so that a new campaign for the stoppage of drunk drivers could start. But, the Kansas City Star has just announced that fatal vehicle accidents, due to alcohol, have increased! This increase in taxes has done nothing to keep Mid-West driver's safer. We saw this first hand when a Fort Osage teenager was killed by an underage drunk driver in Independence just a few weeks ago.

It seems like all of the campaign money was spent on the advertisement of the program; and none of it spent on what it was named for. The slogan writers must have made a killing writing phrases like: “You drink, you drive, you lose” (Not too far off considering the loss of lives that have not been prevented.) “Over the limit, Under arrest”, (I only wish they followed through on that one.)

Plus, we cannot forget all the money spent on prime time television commercials! They looked good, all professionally done and slick! Shoot, just think of all the air time that had to be paid for. One could not watch television without seeing that commercial.

I see it much like 90’s cartoons that spoke out against deforestation. They saw a huge beautiful tree cut down and put onto a belt to be shaved down, then after all the shaving was done, an elevator button dropped out of the product door. When told that elevator button sales were a great market (I will not take the time to bludgeon my reader about the analogy to scare tactics and money here.) our heroes would ask what happened to the rest of the tree. At that, the shot moved to a fire and we see all the rest of the tree being dropped into it to burn for no other reason than to get rid of what was left… This seems to be what they did with our tax dollars to remove drunk drivers.

From now on, please use the money for something other than scare tactics. It didn’t work; it won’t work that way, and hundreds have paid for the mistake with their lives.

Nov 11, 2009

Veteran's Day.

It may be contraversial.... But... When has that stopped me in the past? 

The Nazis are veterans who were just following orders to kill all those innocent people, too. The civillian body count in Iraq alone is 94,008 – 102,574. Have we avenged ourselves on the innocent enough, yet?? (The 9-11 attackers took the lives of 2,819 Americans officially.)

This is not an attempted to rip on the soldiers risking their lives each and every day in the name of the United States.  This statement goes out to show the mantality/mentality of the US people; and attempt to open the eyes of those individuals to the numbers of lives taken in this horrible, unjust, and uninvited war.  Nearly 4,500 of our troops have lost thier lives as well. 

(These numbers only reflect the totals at the time of this blog posting.)

Nov 10, 2009

Fort Hood, The President, and Death of Needless Proportions.

Tragedy is on everyone’s mind. What is to be said of those events that took place? Much. Too much. But at the same time, not nearly enough. Those who died on November 5th will be remembered not just today, but for history. These events were not like events that had taken place in the past; but many of the details have been lied about and only given has half truths to the American people. To not speak out about these tragedies, that align themselves with this memorial service, would be as Un-American as not taking the time to remember these fallen men and women.

President Obama stated many beautiful and eloquent statements during his speech at Fort Hood. Some of them, I feel, spoke to any American who listened; others would have been caught up into the emotion of the situation, and others would have listened and been astonished, taken back, and ashamed. He stated that those who gave thier lives will be remembered, and that they will be seen as heroes. All of that was very true. These were great people. Two of them were highly educated and very intelligent. One could barely speak English when he came to the United States but learned and went on to get a PhD. in psychology. A very challenging field when language can be a barrier. Another was educated in medicine and was so dedicated that he returned to serve only three weeks after a heart attack, all at the age of 62.

But, the ceremony was very religiously baised. Prayers from very Christian perspectives were given, and readings from the book of Christian basis were read several times. The President even made mention of god several times in his speech and said,” "No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor". Sadly, this is very false. Even quoting the same book they used one will read the heinous acts of violence there in, such as:

God then told them to do the same to King Og of Bashan. The Israelites therefore "slaughtered them and left no survivor.” The book of Psalms cites these massacres as proof that the Lord's "love endures forever." In resettling the Israelites after the Egyptian sojourn, God instructed them to steal the land of seven nations. And he told them to "not to leave any creature alive. You shall annihilate them. . . ." As a result, the Israelites utterly wiped out various peoples. An example is when Joshua's army attacked Jericho and "put everyone to the sword, men and women, young and old. . . ." Later, the Lord told Joshua to do the same to the people of Ai. In obedience to the Lord's commands, Joshua's army did likewise too many other cities. The Israelites "put every living soul to the sword until they had destroyed every one; they did not leave alive any one that drew breath." If the accounts given in the Bible are accepted, there were millions of men, women, and children exterminated in this conquest of the Promised Land. Even forced sex is consecrated when, “So he ordered the soldiers to "kill every male dependent, and kill every woman who has had intercourse with a man, but spare for yourselves every woman among them who has not had intercourse." Shortly thereafter, God gave Moses instructions for distributing the captive virgins among the fighting men and the community.

Our president also stated that the shooter was kept alive so he could stand trial. This was to show how the American justice system is right and just. This is sadly very untrue. This man will stand trial if he survives to that time; but to anyone who takes the time to discern what was really going on, they will know that he was kept alive to be questioned; and to see if he was working alone, or with a group as a matter of national security and military intelligence. What they will not tell you is that he will probably be tortured to get the information out of him if he does not speak openly of what his motives were. I am far to say what he did was right. But to make a charade of the justice system further undermines the legal system that the United Sates uses, and furthermore, the bold faced lies of the Commander and Chief further undermine the public’s view of him. I know I would actually feel safer if he did tell us why this man was kept alive, and that every last bit of information would be gotten out of him for the sake of national security and safety. Sugar coating actions this serious has a feeling of making the American people feel less capable of grasping and comprehending the severity of the situation. It is just as bad/sad as when the Bush administration made us feel in danger at all times with “terror alerts” and grossly exaggerated claims of a country wishing to do harm to the United States with “weapons of mass destruction”. Additionally, that we should lean on the government because we could never survive without their complete control and our allowance of their decisions at all costs.

This also seems divergent of what really stemmed this war. It has been proven time and again that Iraq was not a part of the 9-11 attacks. They did not have the backing of Al-Qaeda, nor were they backing Al-Qaeda. Yes, they did meet a few times, but it was seen that they had “ideological differences” that kept them from teaming up together no matter what their “common enemy” was. It was just like the Black Panthers and the KKK wishing to get together because they believed unilaterally in racial purity; but they disagree so greatly on what race “is pure” and what religion is “right” that they could never work together.

Also, many soldiers enlisted to retaliate against those who were a part of the crashing of planes into the Twin Towers. Even one of those lost in the Fort Hood shootings is now famously remembered as saying that when she was told that she could not take on Bin Laden by herself she retorted, “Watch me!” I would hope that we can see that these soldiers wished to help their country. They did not wish to find themselves killing innocent women, children, and the elderly in a country that did not attack the United States. They now see that America’s involvement in Iraq as more “imperialistic expansion” than any bit of “protecting Americans from terrorists”. They know firsthand terrorists were not in great numbers in Iraq until it was seen by these extremists as a place where they could engage Americans in battle. Let us not lose focus of what is truly important to the American people. Let our sights not be taken from the real issues of life and death of our fellow Americans, (civilian and military) in matters of true importance, that affect the American people, not just today, but for generations to come.

Nov 7, 2009

War as Population Control.

War as population control has been around since the beginnings of over-population in humanity. It did not start out as the killing of the lower classes by command of the higher classes. It had a much more “innocent” start.

At first, one group would be in need of what another group had in its possession. Sometimes the needing side would ask for assistance. But, if they were in-able due to language barriers or refusals in communication this would result in stealing. If they were caught, or this did not bring in a sufficient amount of the needed products, violence would break out.

The attacking side would benefit most from conquer. But even if they were unsuccessful, they gain by being fewer in numbers. This caused a lessened burden on resources because fewer people were consuming them. Even when a side lost, it still gained. This was the population control where predation and succumbing to disease did not thin out numbers efficiently enough.

Some have said that war is the “failsafe” genetically implanted into humanity to conquer over-population. This may not be too far off when one is to look to nature. Spiders, while in the egg sac, with eat their brothers and sisters if the outside environment is inclimate for them to break out. Primates fight and kill each other in groups and bands if they do not have the recourses to survive. (Much the same way unarmed humans do.) Frogs and alligators will eat their own kind if they are the only other life in their dwelling. So really, killing in a war like fashion seems to be pretty natural, especially when we take in primates into the equation.

But like anything that humanity has had, power takes over and abuse takes hold of even the most natural of tendencies. Those with power learned that they could get people to fight and die for a cause as long as the story was good enough and believable enough to convince the people to take arms and fight. (In some cases an outright forcing of military service was issued.)

I believe Justin Sane wrote the best analysis in “Anatomy of Your Enemy”. Here he stated:

Ten easy steps to create an enemy and start a war
Listen closely because we will all see this weapon used in our lives
It can be used on a society of the most ignorant
To the most highly educated, we need to see these tactics as a weapon
Against humanity and not as truth

This is how to create an enemy
This is how to start a war
This is how to create an enemy

First step
Create the enemy
Sometimes this will be done for you

Second step
Be sure the enemy you have chosen is nothing like you
Find obvious differences like race, language, religion
Dietary habits, fashion

Emphasize that their soldiers are not doing a job
They are heartless murderers who enjoy killing

Third step
Once these differences are established
Continue to reinforce them with all disseminated information

Fourth step
Have the media broadcast only the ruling party's information
This can be done through state run media

Remember, in times of conflict
All for-profit media repeats the ruling party's information
Therefore all for-profit media (is) state-run

Fifth step
Show this enemy in actions that seem strange, militant or different
Always portray the enemy as non-human, evil, a killing machine

This is how to create an enemy
This is how to start a war
This is how to create an enemy

Sixth step
Eliminate opposition to the ruling party
Create an "Us versus them" mentality
Leave no room for opinions in between

One that does not support all actions of the ruling party
Should be considered a traitor

Seventh step
Use nationalistic and or religious symbols
And rhetoric to define all actions

This can be achieved by slogans such as
"Freedom loving people versus those who hate freedom"
This can also be achieved by the use of flags

Eighth step
Align all actions with the dominant deity
It is very effective to use terms like
"It is God's will" or "God bless our nation"

Ninth step
Design propaganda to show that your soldiers have feelings
Hopes, families and loved ones
Make it clear that your soldiers are doing a duty
They do not want or like to kill

Tenth step
Create an atmosphere of fear and instability
Then offer the ruling party as the only solution
To comfort the public's fears
Remembering the fear of the unknown is always the strongest fear

This is how to create an enemy
This is how to start a war
This is how to create an enemy

We are not countries, we are not nations
We are not religions, we are not Gods
We are not weapons, we are not ammunition
We are not killers, we will not be tools

I will not die, I will not kill
I will not be your slave
I will not fight your battle

I will not die on your battlefield
I will not fight for your wealth
I am not a fighter
I am a human being

( To hear this song.)

Here we see just what has been done, throughout time, to start a war. But what is gained in our modern war practices? The ruling class decreases the numbers of the less privileged in their country so less has to be fought for and split. Those on top will be able to keep a greater amount to themselves because they will be some of the few who are left. They will see that what they feel is theirs will not be taken away by those that they feel are undeserving. (The commodities and privileges that only the “high society” should get to have.) Those who are lower in social status will be killed or at least be removed from competition. This helps to remove some very legitimate fears that higher classes can have during economic struggles.

These are: higher taxes for those who have much, being robbed by those in need, or seeing both of these scenarios escalate together to culminate into civil war where they will have to fight on a side, or be the opposing side. There they would lose much, even if they win. (It is just the opposite of when primitive man fought a war. So they need to keep this from happening.)

To deflect this occurrence these higher classes divert the anger from themselves onto another target. Then, they become the people who make money off of wars and are not a side that could/will lose as greatly as if they had allowed war to break against them in their home land. They often own the companies who make the materials for war. So, they win on a triple level. Not only do they get to get rid any competition from underneath, they also make money off the spoils, and they are protected by the government and the people because they are now seen as helpers for the “good cause” and deflected from being seen as the enemy or hoarders of strongly desired goods and privileges that the lower classes are not allowed to have.

Lemmings, or People?

If a 'thinker' thinks like every one else, he is not a thinker. He will be just another lemming, ready to jump off the cliff in a mad rush for the words "freedom" and "opportunity".

Nov 6, 2009

Lemming Mentality.

If a 'thinker' thinks like every one else; he is not a thinker. He is just another lemming, ready to jump off the cliff with the others, in a mad rush to die.


Impraesentiarum immo conveho facebook.

Nov 5, 2009

Nov 3, 2009

Near Death and Thoughts

How interesting the change is. I remember being high school. I may not have looked the part of the nerd; but to know me, I was. I played in the band, spent almost all of my free time in my room reading a book, practicing the bass trombone, reading pen-pal letters, writing letters to pen-pals, or listening to music, if not doing a combination of all of these things. But most of my time was taken up by school and church. In both I played in the musical groups. If it was music, a Christian organization, or both I was involved. The whole time I was questioned about what I believed and how I could. If they encouraged me (in the collective student body I was a part of) it was to tear me down when I was not around, or when they thought I was out of earshot.

As I grew, I took more interest in things that did not just praise a man who was said to live in the sky and be the reason I was going to spend my after-life in the sky with him, I started to study psychology and Eastern Religion/philosophy. (They are intertwined exclusively because their practice is mysticism.) I learned the pleasant feelings one feels during the “religious experience” are only chemical releases in the brain. This same effect can be found in non religious people when they go to a musical concert. The combinations of the number of people in the congregation, the words used by those leading, the volume level and timbers of the music, and personal psychologies can practically be calculated to have the same (or nearly same, so it does not seem preordained by man) effect each time. It’s that warm, ‘loved’ feeling that comes about during the service. Of course, it will be stated that it is not always there...

But, I stated that personal psychologies are a large contributing factor. If one is not in the correct mind set, this effect cannot be achieved. This same point of conjecture has been used many times during church services; I had been to, to explain that god was not always as present in their lives. Their lack of religious experience was said to be due to not perfectly adhering to the specific dogmas of their denomination. In all actuality they were just not in the correct mindset to be hypnotized by the service.

Taking information like this, and other reading and studies I had done lead me to look elsewhere. (Not to mention actually reading the book Christianity bases itself on.) Once I got to college, I met a beautiful blond who had a genius level intellect and was practicing Buddhism. It seemed from our first time hanging out; we were meant to be best friends forever. She taught me parts of the world I had been long sheltered from. She helped to teach me of the things I had only read of in books. And when I was lucky, we would get to experience brand new things together.

Through new experiences and interactions I continued to grow and learn. Not all of these new experiences were good. A few were: working places full of drug addicts, being without any transportation other than my feet, and having my life threatened by those who are sworn to sever and protect lives. But in each I took away from it a great wealth. I saw why I never wanted to get into drugs, on a second hand basis, and learned the hard way about car care and when one is getting ripped off by a mechanic and what it was like to look at death.

During these hard times I had one very near death experience. (I have written elsewhere about the near death experience, so I won’t go into that here.) But several times I had my life threatened by those who wear a badge and carry a gun. Such as one time I was stranded on the side of the road.

My car was stuck in a mud hole, and no matter what I did I could not get out of it. I tried going forward and back ward but my car would not budge. When trying to get my car unstuck didn’t work I tried knocking on the doors of the businesses in the area. But it was late and no one was in. I started home on foot...

A while later a car stopped behind me. Being grateful that any one stopped, I turned, and looked at the vehicle for a moment, I walked towards the car. I was going to lean into the passenger side window, and see what the driver may offer as help. Before I got that far I had a mag-light and the barrel of a service pistol pointed in my face! I barely heard what the fat ass was saying for the fact that I was shitting myself from the shear shock and the extreme use of force!

After yelling that I was totally unarmed and that I was just stuck up the road (To which he told me he had already seen) he had me get into his patrol car and we went back to where my car was. He did not helping me get my car out of the mess, but he accused me of trying to break into ever building in the area. He proceeded to check ever last door and window for any sign of break-in in the whole area! Thankfully there was no indication of the sort inflicted by anyone because he would have pinned it on me!

It was easy to see that I had been driving, unable to tell that the mud puddle was a perfectly still pool and not a paved area. The lack of adequate lighting only exacerbated the problem. Plus I was rather angry that the fat fuck never indicated that he was a police officer till after he told me to get in his car. He did not have his cop lights on, or said he was the police even while pointing a loaded weapon at me!

Then there was the time my wife got out of the hospital. She was in a crash she was lucky to come away from. And after the shoddy care she got at the hospital, was lucky to be alive. As part of her recovery regiment she was told to walk as often as she could. I worked nights, so when I got off we went for walks. Though usually never a problem...

This night was a mistake! The college kids had just come back from mom and dad’s basement and were parting at full tilt. One reject decided his lack of being able to get laid due to lack of people skills, attractiveness, and any form of respect for any one needed to be taken out on the next person his drunken ass laid eyes on. He passed my wife and me on a bike, and started whistling and saying that he wanted to join us for a three some and loved how cute a lesbian couple we were. As he got closer he saw that I was, in reality, a guy and proceeded to tell me I was gay... Nearly perplexed, I turned and yelled to him, “You, being a guy, whistling to a guy, and telling him how cute he is, is gay. I am holding hands with my wife that you just thought was SOOOOOO hot. That makes me not gay.”

This infuriated this pink shirted bastard to no end. Trying to seem like a bad ass, he circled us while riding a girl’s bike. He kept taunting me, telling me my wife was a whore, and begging me to fight him. Then he got off of his bike and started to tell me to throw the first punch. I’m pretty annoyed by this point. But, mostly, I am worried about my wife, who still feels bad and has not even been able to return to work, let alone was in a state to fight with some drunken fat ass. As this sad joke continues to play out, I was starting to wonder what I would do if this turned into something real. I didn’t wanna get my butt kicked; but if I beat him up I’d be up for assault charges. I tried to play it cool, but when he shoved my wife out of the way and went for my throat, I shoved him away and my hand brushed past my phone! I didn’t usually carry it with me because a phone call during a walk seems to end its serenity. But finding that I had not taken it out of my pocket was a great relief.

I took it out and dialed the police. Once he heard who I was calling he tried to run off. In the attempt to mount the bike, he fell onto it three different times. After he had ridden away the police got there and surrounded my wife and me with guns drawn. They were yelling at me to stay where I was and not to move. It took five times for me to convince this guy that I called for him to help me!
After this long, and nearly pointless, exchange of words I eventually convinced this dense, gun totting, hack that I was in need of assistance; not to be shot! He then gets a message on his radio that they got the guy who attacked my wife and me and needed us to identify him.

When we get there the pink shirt is crying like a child and waving his arms around like some kindda nut. The driver asks us if that is him, and we tell him it is. He gets out of the patrol car and talks to the other officers at the scene. The pink shirt attacker is lifting up his shirt and showing some injury that is bleeding. After seeing this, the officer who drove us there walks up to me and demands that I give him my knife. I don’t have a knife, and I tell him so. I told him the pink shirt guy fell on his bike several times trying to get away. But, no matter what I said he was not convinced, and took me to the station. I spent all night in a cell, got finger printed, had to give a statement, and tell them I started the fight before they would let me go! Then, I had to meet with one of the university higher-ups to plead my case to him to remain a student! All that for asking the police to help me! I have never done that again! (As a side note, I later found out that the bike the guy was on was stolen from some local girl.)

Of late I have been talking with people I went to high school with. Most of them have kids, families, careers, and a new found love for Jesus! These same people were the ones who made fun of me for doing the same thing when I was immature and naive durring high school. Now it is the greatest thing that has ever happened in their lives. They LOVE Jesus and will not stop talking about how amazing he is and the paradise that awaits them. Nor do they stop persecuting those who do not believe what they do, constantly saying that hell awaits anyone who doesn’t believe just like them.

I cannot help but to just look at what they type and wonder what happened. These people should be wiser than this. Many of them went to good schools where logic and reason are taught. But now they insist upon an ideology far removed from logic. Back in high school they had a more firm concept of A+B=C types of logical proofs. They have regressed from where they were in their teens! And call me a fool!

I have been the one who has nearly died and had his live threatened several times. (By the “good guys”.)I have not finished a degree. (I really want to.) I have done all I can not to settle into life and become complacent; to learn and to be what I have dreamed to be and to not let my dreams fall away and die... But I am called a fool to no longer believe -the 2000 year old zombie who only showed himself to friends after being reanimated- story. Shouldn’t I be the one wishing and hoping for pipe dreams of paradise because I have come so close to seeing my life blinked out of existence? I have not quite gotten to that place I have always wanted to achieve. Shouldn’t I just want to sit around waiting for paradise to come to me? After all that has happened, that would seem the most logical, right? But that is not what I have chosen to do. I will continue to fight and rally for all that I want and desire. I will never give up.

But, I will end with saying that maybe what is logical is to say that they now have to hold onto these pipe dreams. Because if these dreams are true, it will be the only thing that will ever happened to them.