Jul 9, 2013

Happiness & Sanity Are Full Time Jobs

There are so many people that are better before they are truly known.  I once hear that "One should never have a hero younger than themselves or they will be disappointed in who they find them to be".  We also must see that all people are human and are prone to mistakes and error.
Others are simply not ready for the public.  Their lives have caused them to be too scared of everything; they are unable to see life as happy and free.  When someone real does come into their lives they feel compelled to pick the relationship apart and see all the reasons they will not be able to find happiness in it.  Many times they push away the best option for an option they feel they fit better into instead of the avenue that would be of the best benefit for them.  Some of us may not be able to see why these choices are made; but most of us have not seen the major set backs and personal pains that these people have.  Their lives have been filled with too much misery for them to know true happiness.  They have created a shell around themselves to only accept what they feel safe and comfortable accepting.  The shell only allows so much happiness before it rejects the conduit brining the pleasurable experience and sometimes we will see them reject those who intend the most good.
No amount of regular experience seems to change this thought form and process.  It will usually take many years of therapy and counseling to unlock the ability of these people to find their true ability to find happiness.  Sadly, much of their life has already passed and the bills from the therapy have caused them to have too little materially for them to actively search for their new found ably to be completely happy.  Plus, they have often already rejected several who wanted to make them happy and had the ability to do so.  They also will not return because those people did take the initiative to seek new happiness and good experiences.

        Which do you choose to be?

Social Networks

A day writing can be the best day ever:

        Though I do find it sad that social networks are no longer fun play grounds where people can just let out their thoughts and emotions freely.  It has become a place where others can spy and judge us for our entertainment.  It would not be such a horrible happening if these judges did not also choose our fates, our occupations, and hold the keys to what many of us work so very hard for each and every day to provide for families and personal happinesses outside of entertainment.
         I do not find it to be a bother to have a dark sense of humor, or to enjoy the more carnal pleasures of another human being.  I've always found a belief that a country that is truly free will not needlessly punish victimless crimes and would harshly punish those who inflict harm onto others based upon rank in a society that allowed them this place of power.  But instead we live in a land where things seem backwards.
        We live in a culture that would rather attack itself than form together and try to take down the oppression that actually makes them unhappy.  I can't help but to think of those in prisons who torment and torture each other instead of forming together and making the best of a situation they can not escape.
         Advanced thinkers used imprisonment to write, to escape psychologically, and to share what they have created with others in their situation. It brought happiness to the others and brought accomplishment to the writer.  We do this slightly with movies, but they have become so impersonal, and large budgeted with special effects, that they are not the beloved stories we once enjoyed felling as if we could be the lead characters.