Jun 19, 2013


        It seems so strange. Day in, and day out, it seems like nearly every where I look all I can are the theories of the philosophers I have been reading the past few years.  Jung did exhaustive research on the individual.  His work proceeded Frued; who's work proceeded Nietzsche.
        The more of Neietzsche I read, the more I see how greatly people do lie every day.  The one they lie to the most is themselves.  I see so many around me, each and every day, that have to prove their insecurities in broad and dramatic fashions just to (somehow) prove they they aren't the losers they really are.
        Then we have the group of individuals so symbiotically linked to the people to whom keep them afloat that they seem almost as obnoxious as those who have to broadcast their problems to the world.  For these individuals they pack all the need of world social acceptance into a handful of people they hold to for dear life.  Has a happy middle ground died?