Jan 3, 2012

2012 and the New Horizon.

       Each and every year this time comes and goes.  Some love the release of another year; others dread what the next turn of the calendar may do to their pocketbooks and families.
       I stated that I was not going to use this page to give you too much information about my personal life (isn't Facebook and Twitter for those kinds of things?), so I won't.  I will speak of the psychology behind the new year and my philosophical views of what a New Year means to me.
       During 2011, I was inundated with a world view I have always hated.  It is one of defeatism and horrible attitudes to the tasks at hand and the potentials of the future.  This is not new or different.  I know I have experienced this world view all the way back into my elementary school years from teachers and fellow students alike.  Thought out the last month I have come to coin a term for this belief system and philosophic view: I call it "Hill-Billie Dour-ism".
         In this "Hill-Billie Dour-ism" no matter what takes place it can be pushed away with large amounts of alcohol and badly written music played at high volumes.  Then, in plan preparations, it does not matter how well prepared one is; the plan will fail anyways because "something" will come out of "no-where" and stop the "perfect plans" from reaching achievement.  I feel this must be for making it easier to accept when one does not succeed and then failure from there watered down effort.  They do not see that this mindset sets them up for misfortune from the start.
        But, if this does not do the desired trick, reveling in the mistakes and failure of others seems to negate the short comings of those who use this world view.  To revel in the pain and destruction of others only undermines the whole of societal progress that we need to work on to improve as a society, not destroy.
        But the most hurtful element of this world view if the absolute hatred of those who succeed in their hard work and accomplishment with confidence.  They hate those who have talent and make money using these talents and find accoplishment .  This counts for double and triple if the artist also loves the performance and the work they do.  But what is progress without art and music to make it beautiful?
        It goes farther than even Sartre's concept of despair.  Plus, it lacks the rationalism or reasoning that backed his disparaging world view .  At least the French society (that Sartre was immersed in) had just moved out of WWII and the Nazi occupation. We in the United States are rebuilding an economy alone. Much of Europe was trying to rebuild its money flow along with the cities and roads that were destroyed during this world's greatest armed conflict.   Sartre also saw that defeatism could only fold in upon itself; just as I do.

        I have now made it my goal to keep my thoughts and ideals away from this mindset of Hill-Billie Dour-ism for the new year and the rest of my life.  I have let the influence of this mind set and life style effect me far too often in the last few months and years.  I know that I can no longer accept this as a way of life.  I must block out and stay away from this type of being if I am to find the true happiness and success my life is destined for.  I have been through rougher times than any of those who have tried to bring me down.  They hate that I have risen above the vile pit they tried to throw me into.   Now I must keep my focus clear and continue in this upward momentum with out regard for their want of failure.

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