Oct 25, 2010

$ For War, and Your Death for FREE. Or Do I Have That Backwards?

       The same people who wanted to invade two countries in the Middle East are the same that want to be exempt from paying for it!
       I know it has been a deep seeded tradition in America to not pay for the war that was fought.  Heck, it was the foundation for creating a new country out from under the rule of the Britain that protected the Americans from the French and Native Americans in the 1700's when Britain needed the funds to recoup.   But it does not work this way any more.  Bills must be paid and people held responsible.
         Is it too much to ask for you to back your commitment to kill innocent women and children with money?  I don't think so.  You received tax cuts and still wanted a war.  Well, you got both.  Now it is time to pay back the government that allowed you to not pay for its ability to sustain itself through fiance, and the war you were too naive to know  was not engaged to protect you. (And would take far longer to fight than you were told.)

        War is one of the most expensive acts a country can take.  The soldiers must be trained, paid, fed, armed, and clothed.  Equipment needs to be paid for and often gets destroyed and replaced at a high amount of tax payer cost.  Plus the cost of heightened security for those who are now at higher risks of danger is paid by your tax dollars.
       One can not have the most expensive of everything and not expect to have to pay for it.  You can't have a nice house and expect to never pay the mortgage on it.  If you want to kill it needs to be expensive.
        Shouldn't I be the most upset of all?  I was fully against to war or any other form of invasion when our country needs a great deal of work with out this distraction.  But I am still having to pay for your decision.  But I'm not mad.  I saw that it was going to come to pass, and I have been bracing myself for the impact.  Why didn't you??

Oct 15, 2010

Did you miss me??

I'll be coming back.

I am sorry I have been gone for so long.
I have been working on getting myself into baseball and seeing that politics was pretty well shortening my life.
Stress and anxiety are not good when they do nothing to assist one's level, or attainment, of anything.

Though usually I find this to be a huge flaw in others, I needed to see that my view are far too far from  the norm to be accepted in these political climates.

I am far too far from those fitting  into perfectly conditioned form, to be able to make an impact. Nor do I want to  simply come off as a fringe liberal anger producer. 

So, I will be working harder to place more atricles at: baseball so that it assists me in my  focus and attainments of my personal peace of mind writing about the sport I love the most.

Sep 8, 2010

The Qu'ran is Burning

       I have never been in favor of any book burning.  No matter how bad a book is, it is still a book and therefore sacred in its own right. 
        I could never been a Muslim, but I have a great respect for its holy book.  The Qu'ran was written around 600 AD and was intended to be a book of laws to keep the society intact.
        I agree that it was horrible to view women as property that should be well cared for to make babies.  But back in 600 that was about as  good as life got for any women.  It is a very sad thought to think of this kind of life as not being abused, but it was certainly better than the norm of not being allowed a job but still having to feed yourself with out resources or tools to do so.  This frame work allowed for provisions and a growth of the populace.  Given it was a time when over-population could not be concept grasped in any way, growth of the population was needed to help defend against very real threats of take over.

Aug 15, 2010

Guns Kill

       You see a man in a turban holding a machine gun and you think, "Evil, violence, and oppression". You see a white man with a bullet proof vest doing the same thing and you see "protection"? You are an idiot!  The white guy is just as capable of "Evil, gross violence, and oppression" as anyone.  You just refuse to see the same oppression in a different culture.

Aug 8, 2010

China to Rule the World?

       If we are to fear the actions of a country outside of the US, shouldn't we move our fear the actions of a few angry people in a couple of poor countries to a real threat with money, numbers, and legit ways and means to attack us, like China and many of the other countries of the East?  They have the resources, money, and real weapons of mass destruction. The only thing holding them back is the ability to grow enough food to feed their numbers.  If they were to take over the US, they will have more than enough land to grow all the food they need; and there populace is educated at a greater level in high school  than most universities in the US educate their students so they would be able to outwit us through technology and other equally valid advances .
       What stops this very real threat from attacking us while we are weakened and spending billions on a war  of little real consequence? Plus we are now financially indebted to them through our borrowing of billions to help bail-out ill-managed US companies.  I really want to know what is keeping us safe?

Jul 14, 2010

Freedom Through Killing Never Works

        The killing of women and children has got to stop.  The war in the Middle-East is unpopular on all fronts; and it is not coincidental that every country who has given aid to the effort has now backed out and will not supply even the slightest of financial aid.
        Even to look at it from the selfishness of the United State's front, no longer makes logical sense.  We have now lost more soldiers in the war (that was to last six months if it hit snags) than lost civilians in the 9-11 attacks themselves.  One can say that they are soldiers and that is a risk that they take. But this is a large number of lost lives in a war that looks to have the same reputation as Vietnam.   This number is without going into the numbers of soldiers who survived their injuries but can no longer enjoy life because of life altering disabilities they have because of the conflict.
       This war is much more expensive than Vietnam; and is taking place during one of the largest recessions seen by any member of the current population.  It is well upon its way to bankrupt this country.  Or, at the very least, leave the future generations with a gigantic national debt.
        Although many will try to say that we are fighting for our freedoms, I have to strongly disagree.  I will never make light of the lost innocent lives on US soil, but there has been a much greater taking of innocent lives by US troops.  (I know they are only following orders and are also fighting to protect their own lives during their own deployments.)  But, the innocents killed in the war because of US occupation equals nearly sixteen 9-11s!! Plus the utter destruction of their country and any chance of a recovery in the next 20 years is something that a United States citizen can not fully grasp because they have (and hopefully never will) experience anything like it!
        Our freedom is secure.  If we hold strong, and do not allow the freedoms we do posses to be taken from us, no foreign threat can take us.    If the loss of less than 3,000 innocents can take away our freedom, our freedom is not strong enough to stand on its own anyways.  If we do not tear ourselves apart from the inside we can stand a chance;  but no amount of military force will be able to secure freedoms that must not exist if we fear their removal so easily.  Especially when our response has invasions of third world counties, making the US look like a group of rich warmongers more then true freedom loving individualists coming together to have the greatest country on earth.  To stand strong and show we are not afraid would be the showing real bravery and freedom from a powerful first world country! 
       If we do not give up the rights, as given to us by our Founding Fathers, because we fear who may use them to gain liberty and pursuit of happiness before we can; we will never stop being a free country.  We  must stop the needless killing and the surrendering of our rights.  Neither are freedom nor Liberty.  Once we turn both back to the direction our country was founded upon, can we will once again be a free and Liberated  United States of America!  The free-est country the world has every hoped to have!

Jun 3, 2010

The "War on Terror"...

       The "War on Terror" in Iraq seems to be fought like very bad police work.  It is as if a horrible crime house was in a neighborhood, (Lets say they killed several people to cover up a drug manufacturing ring; kinda fits doesn't it?)  Well, instead of going directly to the house of issue, they invade every house in the neighborhood, take prisoners, torture them for information, kill the ones they can not capture or get information from, all the while really knowing that the persons they want were on vacation and can never be found through the neighborhood!
        The families of those made into victims will be furious and take actions.  They will have good reason; and the fact that the Qu'ran directly tells its followers to take armed actions against those attacking those who can not defend themselves, only adds fuel to a fire that is already burning bright as the sun!  Will we learn before we are made to suffer for real crimes against woman, children, and innocents?  I don't want my family and those close to me harmed because of of a war of vengeance that I never supported. 

Jan 14, 2010

Real, Unbias News.

Always check out Democracy now.  It is only of the only places that does not slant any of the news.  If it's good, they let it speak for itself.  If it's bad, they don't need to drive it home.

What a load of it, from Gary Kreep of the USJF.

(This letter was sent to me by a very dear friend.  I then tell you how I see the situation.)

Dear Concerned Friend,
Barack Obama is at it again. This time he wants to impose his socialistic views on the United States by subjecting our citizens to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
He recently dispatched a delegation to The Hague to explore issues involving United States' involvement in the ICC, an organization that USJF believes could be used to prosecute American soldiers and political leaders on trumped up criminal charges brought by left wing, or terrorist supporting, governments, like Iran.
Barack Obama believes that the United States should be subject to global laws, instead of the United States Constitution.
We here at the United States Justice foundation (USJF) are very concerned about this shift in United States policy, as the ICC does not recognize many of the U.S. Constitution's provisions protecting defendants in criminal trials, such as the right to trial by jury, and protections against double-jeopardy, which are the cornerstones of the Bill of Rights.
A main tenet of the ICC is that its jurisdiction extends only to those nations that ratify the ICC treaty. However, the Obama administration is, apparently, going to adopt a policy that would subject the United States to the ICC, even if the U. S. Senate does not adopt the treaty. THIS VIOLATES OUR CONSTITUTION!
The so-called "Rome" statute provides that when the basic requisites for ICC jurisdiction under part of the statute have been met, then the ICC may exercise criminal jurisdiction over nationals of States not party to the Rome Statute, in this case, the citizens of our country.
The ICC was given such jurisdiction in order to ensure that offenders of the most serious international crimes, which come under the jurisdiction of the Court, will be held accountable of their actions, regardless of their nationality.
This claimed jurisdiction is one of the concerns of USJF, and we feel that this is an unlawful intrusion on our Sovereignty.
We are afraid that this United States Senate, led by Harry Reid, working with the other socialists in the Democratic majority, will ratify the Rome Statute if it comes to the Senate Floor, thus destroying the sovereignty of this country.
It is believed that the Obama White House will push for ratification of this Treaty in May of 2010. However, in the meantime, it appears that this Administration will try to end-run the treaty ratification process, "just in case."
We cannot trust this Senate to protect our Constitutional Rights! We cannot trust the Obama Administration to protect our Constitutional Rights! We have already seen with the OBAMACARE debacle how the Democratic majority in Congress, and the Obama Whitehouse, do not care what is good for the United States, they just care about obtaining more power and pushing their radical agenda!
Help USJF stop Barack Obama from destroying the sovereignty
of the United States. CLICK HERE NOW!
There are two main objections to the ICC treaty:
First, the ICC does not offer the same due process rights, particularly right to trial by jury and protection against double-jeopardy, rights which are guaranteed under the United States Constitution. As I said earlier, these rights are cornerstones of our legal protections in criminal cases, our "due process" rights, and we cannot let them be infringed upon!
Secondly, the "Rome" Statute contravenes Article I, Section 8, and Article III, Section I, of the U. S. Constitution, dealing with the establishment of domestic courts.
Those on the left will argue that the Rome Statute contains due process protections that are essentially in line with protections under the U.S. Constitution, such as the right to remain silent, the guarantee against compulsory self-incrimination, the presumption of innocence, the right to confront accusers and cross-examine witnesses, and the right to a speedy and public trial.
Even though a lot of these rights parallel those in our Constitution, there is still no right to trial by Jury.
Another problem with the ICC is that since Congress neither created the ICC nor approved its rules, the Rome Statute is inconsistent with the provisions found in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which empowers Congress with the authority to "constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court," and Article III, Section 1, which states that "judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress from time to time ordain and establish."
The Constitution is pretty clear in this regard. The power to create courts lies with Congress, and not with the global community.
It is clear that U.S. involvement in the ICC would circumvent the U. S. Constitution and destroy American Sovereignty.
Help USJF stop Barack Obama from destroying the sovereignty
of the United States. CLICK HERE NOW!
When Barack Obama tries to evade the requirements of the U. S. Constitution and implement ICC jurisdiction over U. S. citizens, USJF must be ready to file litigation to challenge this new attack on our rights! And, when the Obama Administration, through its minions in the U. S. Senate, try to have the ICC treaty ratified, USJF must be ready to do everything that it can to force the United States Senate to not ratify it!
How? We must be ready to submit testimony to the Senate, describing, in detail, how the ICC treaty violates the Constitutional rights of all Americans. How it violates the sovereignty of the United States. How it puts at risk all of our military personnel serving overseas.
AND, we must be ready to challenge in court any violation of Senate rules by the Obama minions in the Senate as they try to force this treaty through the ratification process.
We must let the socialists, those who support the "New World Order," in the Senate know that we will be watching their every move, and that we will not let them force this upon us without the fight of their lives...
We cannot trust them to do the right thing, as we are seeing with OBAMACARE right now.
It won't stop there though. After the ICC, the plan that the Obama Administration has leaked is that they will then implement the Copenhagen Treaty through the issuance of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations, again trying to avoid having the U. S. Senate have to approve the Climate Change Treaty. Again, later, the Obama minions in the U. S. Senate will try to ratify the Climate Change treaty which, if approved, will devastate our economy, sending billions of dollars in tax money to foreign countries, and costing millions of American jobs.
Not only are they trying to promote the charade of "global warming", but they are also trying to destroy our sovereignty and substitute international law for our Constitution.
USJF must be ready to fight these battles, by filing legal challenges against these, and all other, attempts by the Obama Administration to implement treaties that have not been approved by the Senate, and to challenge treaties that come out of the U.S. Senate that violate the U.S. Constitution.
Mr. Obama faces a major hurdle in the U. S. Senate, where he needs 67 votes for treaty ratification. As it stands right now, that looks impossible, but don't be too sure. Liberal Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has shown, in passing the Senate version of OBAMACARE, that he will do, and say, anything to pass the Obama Socialistic agenda, by cutting any deals necessary, no matter the financial cost, no matter the damage to America. Just look at Senators Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson, who are now "on board," after being "bribed" with special funding and special "perks" for their states, with OBAMACARE..
I need your financial help, TODAY, to ensure that Barack Obama does not evade the requirements that international treaties be approved by the U. S. Senate. And, I need your financial support, TODAY, to make sure that Harry Reid doesn't force the United States to be subject to the International Criminal Court and other unconstitutional international treaties.
Help USJF stop Barack Obama from destroying the sovereignty
of the United States. CLICK HERE NOW!
Are you willing to sit back and let this Senate and this Administration violate the Constitution?
Our country is on the fast track to disaster…but you can help to keep the situation from getting worse. I pray that I'll hear from you today.
Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
P.S. This is the worst Senate in American History and the worst Administration in American History. Our sovereignty is at stake. Our economic future is at stake! Our Constitutional Rights are at stake! We must stop the Obama Administration from taking action to implement these international treaties without Senate approval. And, we must do all that we can to stop the Senate from ratifying the Rome Statute and the Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty.
Help USJF stop Barack Obama from destroying the sovereignty
of the United States. CLICK HERE NOW!
To Donate by check, please mail to:
United States Justice Foundation
National Processing Center
PO Box 131637
Dept Code 3498
Houston, TX 77219-1637
The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.

This scares the piss out of me, and I do not mean the acts that are trying to go through, as this guy speaks of them.  The writer is an idiot!  The guy considers a Fundamentalist Islamic country Left-wing!  OMG!  You'd have to be a member of the Third Reich to be any further to the right! and considering the genocides that have taken place in those countries, you'd be hard pressed not to compare them to the Nazis.

Also this guy is upset that our soldiers could be held accountable for their actions!  Does he think a country really polices it's troops that much in a time of war!?  They are people doing a job that consists of killing; and it isn't always pretty.  So we do have "Rules of Engagement" ever since WWI.  If the US will not hold to these binding agreements what kind of an example are we setting?  "Do as we say, not as we do"!  That is the kind of  ideology that has much of the world angry with the United Sates.

Plus this guy is asking for $ all over the place!  WTF!?  Seriously!?

Not to mention he called out DEMOCRATS  as socialists!  Democrat means democratic by nature.  By the way....  Socialist ideals are of the communists.)

And our last president did more to undermine out Constitutional Rights than anything this administration has done yet.  Patriot Act any 1...  Need I go into the intricacies of it?

AS far as health care goes the American people were crying out for change.  It wasn't done correctly; but the call was answered.  Badly, but answered.  Few know that the insurance companies spent $1.4 million a day so that the government would never get to give the ability to provide health care for it's citizens at a rate the poor could afford like the original intent was.

But I do thank you for sending it my way so I could check it out.

The guy just uses a ton of legalistic speech to confuse people of what he is really saying, and to hide that he really doesn't know what he's talking about.  Not to mention, if this United Government thing did get passed, it could be shot down by the Supreme Court in a heart beat.

Thank you,