Jun 3, 2010

The "War on Terror"...

       The "War on Terror" in Iraq seems to be fought like very bad police work.  It is as if a horrible crime house was in a neighborhood, (Lets say they killed several people to cover up a drug manufacturing ring; kinda fits doesn't it?)  Well, instead of going directly to the house of issue, they invade every house in the neighborhood, take prisoners, torture them for information, kill the ones they can not capture or get information from, all the while really knowing that the persons they want were on vacation and can never be found through the neighborhood!
        The families of those made into victims will be furious and take actions.  They will have good reason; and the fact that the Qu'ran directly tells its followers to take armed actions against those attacking those who can not defend themselves, only adds fuel to a fire that is already burning bright as the sun!  Will we learn before we are made to suffer for real crimes against woman, children, and innocents?  I don't want my family and those close to me harmed because of of a war of vengeance that I never supported. 

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