Oct 23, 2012

In a Perfect World


      Wow.  Wouldn't it be great if we lived in a country where police were held to as high of a standard as they hold us to?  In this world they would face harsher punishments than us for their misuse of their position in society?  What if they could be executed for murder on the job?  What if they could be fined for robbery and falsification of evidence so their victims could be compensated for what was taken from them?  (Without the victim needing a large amount of money just to get their victimhood shown in court or having to battle false charges that are sucking up all their resources and taking away their ability to find justice?)

      What a world that would be!  We would actually be protected and we would be in a safer place.  Corruption would not be tolerated and we could feel free to have families and know that the truth will not be hidden in the name of robbery for the fulfillment of the state's lack of fiscal accountability.
      Dreamers have wished for this since Plato.  Even Nietzsche got to the point of no longer fighting the system, but decided to just figure it out for his own use.  I'm not maniacal enough to sit back and abuse people for my benefit. 
     If I did feel that abuse was ok, I'd be no better than those who harmed me, and 1,000s of others, in the name of false justice and robbery for job security. 
      When we are truly free we can be safe and secure, knowing our tax dollar go for our protection and not the facilitation of armed robbery with out accountability.

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