Why are we doing this to ourselves? Anyone who has studied history and the progression of illness, we will see that high death tolls and economic boons run hand in hand. The economy suffers the most when a population is too large to be sustained by the commodities it has at hand. After the Black Plague, Europe saw the greatest economic climate the free market system has ever seen. There were 2/3 fewer people to use the same number of goods. (And services in proportion.)
People who survived received livable wages and could work in any field they wanted to enter. There was 2/3s more work than ever before, and those who survived were strongest and healthiest 1/3 of all of Europe. The world was theirs to have and their children ruled the Earth.
Unlike war as population control, letting a disease kill millions is cheap. Funerals may be expensive now, but it is because those in that market are suffering. If millions die, money will be given to this service, and it will be saved from the collapse it is looking straight in the eye. The price of a funeral will decrease because of competition and a surplus of available work.
To not vaccinate will save the world as we know it. It will bring the world’s economy back to life, it will cause more to be given freely to those who need it, the poor and weak will die off making the human gene pool stronger, and wars over limited goods will be extinguished because fewer people means more to go around.
This may sound cruel. But it is only nature’s checks and balances that we have refused to surrender to for the last century. We need to return to the balance we have refused for so long. If we don’t, we will suffer more as a race in the long run. It is just like a deer population; when we do not allow hunters to enter and kill the deer, which no longer have natural enemies, the deer eat themselves out of resources and starve to death. Let us not allow humanity to fall to the same fate.
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