Collect, collect, collect.
This is all our officers of the law focus on. Hell, this is what our entire judicial system is based on.
Notice how crime rates have risen? Because the system is not defending us; but only collecting revenue for the department. They continue to have newer vehicles, higher grade assult weapons, more victims, more slaves in the privately owned prison systems of America, more pay, but yet the rate of unsolved crime is rising higher and higher. The crimes that go "unsolved" are the crimes that do not gather revenue, but cost departments money. That is no coincidence.
Judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers on the same pay roll; benefiting from the "punishment" of "crime" as they turn the accused over to privately owned corrections facilities so the cost to the Sate is maintained. While at no time in human history have so many people been imprisoned by its own government. (Not even the "Red" & "Communist" countries the US claim as our enemies house as many prisoners. Though they are hated because they aren't as "free" as we are.)
We look back at the days of kings and knights. You see these same systems were used to squeeze collections out of the already impoverished society just as it is happening today. But we don't have a "Robin Hood" or a "Zorro" in the wings to assist us here in the United States. As a "modern society" we seem to have turned blind to the same happening in our world and are too placated to fight injustice, theft, and murder by our modern captor. It could be the new technology, it could be the force fed media feeds tarnishing an objective view, or it could be a society we secretly want through our compliance.
Similar happenings happened in Germany during the 1940's. Germany was at a peak of technology, state saturated media, government control of thought and art through censorship, record setting prison populations, and a military constantly at war to expand its belief in the Führung. Even as people were disappearing around them, the society was easily lead to believe those who were disappearing "Where Unclean" and they were being removed for the "purification" of the State.
At this Time the United States has similar prisons in foreign lands where the vast majority of those tortured and interned there have a Muslim faith. We have a military that has been constantly at war, we have a media that is now state run and filled with the propaganda it wants us to know. Those who "Toe the Party Line" live a life of ease, while anyone who needs to be "broken" is raked through to judicial system much akin to the story of Jesus. As if to say, "Stand for the rights of the people who are less fortunate & be quelled with violences that the state run media will never tell you about." AKA much of the Michael Brown and "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" movement were organized through social media and until the riots the main stream media did all it could to stay away from reporting the story. The same places where many found out about the happenings (Social Media) also made possible the public outcry and education of what happened.
Why all this strife? For the money. The same money printed at the US Mint itself. Capitalism ran so far amuck that even the governing body has been given up to pure (and adulterated) greed and avarice to such an extent the it has to find new ways to fill its own pockets to "continue" running. I can't be the only one that sees this system feeding upon itself like a snake eating its own tale. Will we stop the avarice before we are consumed and crushed by the machine?
Do we need a Zorro, Robin Hood, or Brave Heart?
This is all our officers of the law focus on. Hell, this is what our entire judicial system is based on.
Notice how crime rates have risen? Because the system is not defending us; but only collecting revenue for the department. They continue to have newer vehicles, higher grade assult weapons, more victims, more slaves in the privately owned prison systems of America, more pay, but yet the rate of unsolved crime is rising higher and higher. The crimes that go "unsolved" are the crimes that do not gather revenue, but cost departments money. That is no coincidence.
Judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers on the same pay roll; benefiting from the "punishment" of "crime" as they turn the accused over to privately owned corrections facilities so the cost to the Sate is maintained. While at no time in human history have so many people been imprisoned by its own government. (Not even the "Red" & "Communist" countries the US claim as our enemies house as many prisoners. Though they are hated because they aren't as "free" as we are.)
We look back at the days of kings and knights. You see these same systems were used to squeeze collections out of the already impoverished society just as it is happening today. But we don't have a "Robin Hood" or a "Zorro" in the wings to assist us here in the United States. As a "modern society" we seem to have turned blind to the same happening in our world and are too placated to fight injustice, theft, and murder by our modern captor. It could be the new technology, it could be the force fed media feeds tarnishing an objective view, or it could be a society we secretly want through our compliance.
Similar happenings happened in Germany during the 1940's. Germany was at a peak of technology, state saturated media, government control of thought and art through censorship, record setting prison populations, and a military constantly at war to expand its belief in the Führung. Even as people were disappearing around them, the society was easily lead to believe those who were disappearing "Where Unclean" and they were being removed for the "purification" of the State.
At this Time the United States has similar prisons in foreign lands where the vast majority of those tortured and interned there have a Muslim faith. We have a military that has been constantly at war, we have a media that is now state run and filled with the propaganda it wants us to know. Those who "Toe the Party Line" live a life of ease, while anyone who needs to be "broken" is raked through to judicial system much akin to the story of Jesus. As if to say, "Stand for the rights of the people who are less fortunate & be quelled with violences that the state run media will never tell you about." AKA much of the Michael Brown and "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" movement were organized through social media and until the riots the main stream media did all it could to stay away from reporting the story. The same places where many found out about the happenings (Social Media) also made possible the public outcry and education of what happened.
Why all this strife? For the money. The same money printed at the US Mint itself. Capitalism ran so far amuck that even the governing body has been given up to pure (and adulterated) greed and avarice to such an extent the it has to find new ways to fill its own pockets to "continue" running. I can't be the only one that sees this system feeding upon itself like a snake eating its own tale. Will we stop the avarice before we are consumed and crushed by the machine?
Do we need a Zorro, Robin Hood, or Brave Heart?