Nov 18, 2013

Homeland Security Officer Threatened Me For Wanting a Safer Homeland

       I reported some instances to him that I'd had a gun to my head on occasions that I felt were not acts that one could feel safe knowing who committed them.  I needed to inform someone in authority.  I wanted my homeland a safer place to be in.  This report (to a man of authority) who could do something about it; instead found my information to be a "threat" and "harassment".

He said:
"I am a consultant for Homeland security and a retired Kansas City officer. You contact me again with a message or threat and I will have you arrested for stalking and harassment. Any comment you leave in the open on a public forum".

       Another sad case of of the Police State hiding behind false titles of protection of the people.  They don't want to protect anyone but their fellow officers and they prove this nearly daily when they harm, rob, harass, kill, and torture us.
      I believe most of us would be shocked by statistics showing lives taken (or imprisoned) vs. lives saved or protected by men and women armed so heavily they look more like soldiers than the peace officers they claim themselves to be in media/entertainment propaganda.
        Have we become such an easily lead society that we believe these false claims of protection?  Do we really believe that a media who is bed fellows with the offices and officers would (in all actuality) report without bias?  All when the people they are getting their information from hold all the cards and evidence?  We allow this group to give us our information and don't even seem to blink that they would be hurting themselves to turn on the other and we are none the wiser when they hold information back from us....?
       Will we start to see them as dangerous and stop funding them?  Are we too afraid?  Are we like so much of Europe during the 1940's, 50's, and Africa?
      We stand by and let their horrible acts of violence keep us from taking a stand, voting against their funding, and making the public aware through any means necessary.  We live in an interconnected world and still fear to reach out or shake a boat. 
     Death by cop is a horrible way to die that is usually simply described by the media as "A police shooting".  Let us go into what the experience really is:
       A "suspect" (or victim) is picked and is shot with as much ammunition as the weapon will hold.  (There have been reported instances of officers reloading and continuing their assault after they have run one clip dry even after the suspect has shown no sign of anything but being in the throws of death.)  Then, while bleeding form numerous bullet wounds the victim is violently slammed onto their chest, has their hands aggressively restrained behind their backs with metal restraints, and stood upon as they convulse with the loss of blood to their vital organs and die a horrific and painful death.

       To me, this is one of the most violent and horrific deaths anyone could have to go through. All while their executioner wears a patch that claims to "Serve and Protect" and these acts would find anyone else on death row.
        In my world view, I see this act of murder as one of the vilest and most fully preventable types of horrific brutality and death that lives with legal protection. We live in a country we call free and brave.  It is cowardice and blind hatred that puts the lives of the average citizen at far greater risk than that of a "terrorist's attack".  For me, this threat of violence to ourselves and our families is far more a common reality than the fears put into us from the media.  It is a common statistic that a US citizen is 8 times more likely to die from an attack from a police officer than a terrorist. 
       But maybe, just maybe, someday the people will take a stand and stop this statistic from remaining true.  Maybe we can go to a time when we can feel protected by our police force instead of feeling a need to fear them.